Friday, January 26, 2007

Welcome welcome...

Hello, thanks for stopping by! This blog will chronicle my experiences creating an ad-supported website. If it isn't obvious, my idea is to create a very easy-to-use resource for Nerds and other fashionably-challenged people to use to improve their fashion sense (for the benefit of woman-kind everywhere!)

I think this site could make some money. Why do I think that? Well, I'm banking on two reasons:

1. On the Web, my target market, Nerds (males aged 18-35) are highly organized and have high surf-rates(?)... that is, they routinely share web links, and they routinely surf a ton of new sites everyday. How do I know? Because I am a one.

2. If I'm reading about a product, I will occasionally click the nearby Ads to see how much something costs, what else they have available, do they have my size... etc... I am betting a certain percentage of my fellow Nerds will do the same.

I don't expect to make much money, or fame, but it should be a good experience, and fill a niche that hasn't been filled so far on the web. The hosting costs are minimal ($9/year actually through a Dreamhost deal), so why not give it a shot? I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get a ton of hits - my main threats as I see them are inappropriate ads served to my pages that have nothing to do with my content, and the fact that a lot of Nerd surfers will filter out ads automatically.

I've created this Blog to track my progress, and to share with everyone out there the issues of creating a site, monetizing it, and getting it Slashdotted/Dugg. I'll also give some insight into the revenues available from AdSense for a site like this - since that was the first question I thought of when I started this project. I have no idea what to expect, but it could be a fun ride.

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