Sunday, February 11, 2007

Income Projections

I've been trying to estimate how much money this venture could pull in. As I said, from what I can tell, a typical Slashdotting is 50 to 500 thousand visitors. Globally I've heard AdSense click-through rates are usually 2-4%. Most of the keywords I'm targeting (shoes, pants, etc…) pay out 50 cents. So here's what I've been figuring so far:

MINIMUM money I could make:

50 000 unique visitors, 1% click through (nerds are known to be poor ad clickers, and will have ad filters), $0.20 per click for my ads.


$100. Ouch.

MAXIMUM money I could realistically make:


$12 000. This figure would leave me content. I wonder where the actual numbers will lie… stay tuned. I launch tomorrow!

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