Monday, February 12, 2007

Gimme Some Feedback!

By now my traffic is picking up, which should result in an influx of visitors to this blog!

Welcome everyone! I recommend checking out my very first post describing what this blog is about.

Hopefully I'll get some feedback on the site. I'm particularly interested in suggestions for improving monetization or site flow. Hope to hear from you soon!


Surefire said...

Enjoyed the site, but I would be interested in some more specific comments. (Not being a fashionable person myself, I'm afraid I can't provide any examples.) Additionally, just wanted to report that I found you through Digg and that the pages were all available, but rather sluggish. It may be time to upgrade to a decent web host if you're wanting to really withstand a slashdotting or digging.

Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I run a sports related site, and I would like to see the results of your page impressions, clicks and earnings from Adsense. I run a sports site, and my last 50,000 impression was about $35.00, not even up to your ouch value of $100.00

Steve said...

Aaron: Yah, I'm just on basic Dreamhost shared hosting, and it was pretty sluggish. I put a service request into them and they got back to me right away, monitoring the traffic and saying it should be OK. It seems better now. I'd move to something faster if the $$$ income justified it.

Tom: Wow, that CTR seems really low... although I can't expect mine to be much better, given the short attention span of geeks and high use of adblockers? I'll let you know in a day...

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could add some sort of color chart to your site, just something to let us know what color matches are to be avoided.

Anonymous said...

More specifics in some of the sections, the colour chart idea seems good. I would have liked to comment on some of your section pages too. I'm not completely fashion stupid and I thought there were a few things that could be elaborated upon.

Plus, comments get people to come back.

Unknown said...

well done site, that covers the basics. Intriguing reading on your blog, too. Thx for the insight into the launch process!

Eric said...
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Eric said...


I ran across your site via Reddit.

We, the founders of, support your endeavor to improve geek fashion. Being geeks ourselves, it's a subject close to our hearts. :)

Regarding ad words, I am not a big fan. Anecdotal stories I've heard from other founders have lead me to believe that returns are generally very low, especially for tech-oriented sites. At Shoutfit, we've ignored ads (for now), and are focusing on providing something our users want. We'll have other sources of revenue with enough consistent users.

You may be entertained to know that we even have a "Geek Apparel" trend on Shoutfit.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

I can't speak to the viability/profitability of your site, but I find the general premise to be extremely shallow - what sort of "Beauty and the Geek" rejects did you interview to get these so-called fashion tips? I consider myself to be a fashionista, but I've never even looked at the color of a man's belt, much less determined his level of nerd-itude by checking to make sure it matched his shoes. I'd recommend you upgrade your content to something slightly less pedestrian if you want to grab the attention of the nerd-erati.

Steve said...

Hello again everyone!

Re: Color chart. That's a great idea... although not having an art background I don't know if I could write knowledgeably about it.

The aim of the site is to keep things pretty simple. I know that when I read about fashion my eyes quickly glaze over so I wanted to have very 'to the point' rules.

In that context, I do realize color picking is an issue... does anyone have any sound, simple rules about picking colors?

Eric: Interesting site, ShoutFit, although I need to take more time to fully grok it. I'll try to link it in with the next update.

Finally, to those who consider this site shallow - As I said in the 'About' section of the site, I think fashion is superficial and completely illogical. In fact, I'd avoid thinking about it entirely if I could. However, although fashion may be illogical - it is also illogical to ignore it.

*I* can't help that I prefer certain visual qualities in a woman (not fat, not wearing granny clothing, etc...)... nor can women help it that they prefer certain fashion choices in men. Notice this site is not talking about which expensive Brands to buy... just avoiding simple style choices that for whatever reason women dislike.

In an ideal world our attraction would be based solely on personality. Sadly, this is not the case in reality... all IMHO. :)

Anonymous said...

Great site! I just heard about Fashion 4 Nerds on G4's Attack of the Show. I like the basic information presented and I love that there's a method behind the tips instead of just personal opinion. As a decent dresser who has some fashion-deficient friends, I will definitely pass this one along! As the owner of a Star Wars backpack (carefully stored, never used in public), I had to laugh out loud!